HAIR RESTORATION BY PLatelet Rich plasma

What is hair restoration by platelet rich plasma?

PRP Hair Restoration procedures are non-invasive outpatient procedures and takes between 45 minutes to an hour. Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) is an injection treatment whereby a person’s own blood is used. Blood is drawn from the patient in a standard fashion and spun down to separate its components. The concentrated platelet rich plasma is separated from the red blood cells and is then injected into the treatment area which would be the scalp for hair restoration. Once injected, the platelets release growth factors into the treatment site, provoking collagen synthesis, tissue repair and tissue regeneration.

Benefits of Hair Restoration by PRP

  • Safe and Fast

  • Minimally Invasive

  • Done in out-patient facility

  • Utilizes the bodies natural healing

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Hair Restortation by PRP can be done for both females and males. Our PRP hair treatment is used to complement hair restoration recovery or as a stand-alone preventative hair loss treatment.